To be a bride... Day two

The next day it became apparent that Miracle had a rough start to her morning, she was very down and upset

The point of joining this household wasn't to make friends, it was to win a prince. Celina hesitated at first, it was possible that it was a better option to stay low, but she couldn't turn herself away from a friend in need. 

Miracle shared that one of the other girls had yelled at her for her alien state, Celina was stunned at the insensitivity. 
"I don't hide my true self, I have the ability to make myself into one of you. I feel shamed, I fear the prince will agree that I don't belong here" Miracle sobbed.

"None of us know what the prince might like, he might like that you are out of this world. Don't let another person take away your chance for love. Your fear is only valid if he is not a man of worth. If he is one then he should have no issue with where you are from."

Miracle had gained a thoughtful look after her statement, she was still stung by the words of one of the others, but she seemed to take those words to heart and agreed to put her worries aside.

With that cleared up, they both returned indoors and enjoyed the company of their fellow housemates

The day was spent gaining skills, friendships, and in the case of Sierra, a nap on the bench outdoors.

+1 Kindhearted point
-100 aspiration point